Healthy Rumen. Healthy Results.
Lactipro® is a rumen-native probiotic consisting of a live, stable and naturally occurring proprietary strain of Megasphaera elsdenii (Mega e®) — a superior lactic acid utilizer. Lactipro helps cattle producers support healthy rumen pH and improve profitability by safely accelerating to finishing diets, reducing post-terminal processing mortality, and other benefits specific to the use cases of the operation.

- Shortens step-up period by 50% or more
- Reduces post-terminal processing performance losses
- Supports rumen health in hospital cattle

- Helps promote rumen health while adapting to higher-grain diets through the weaning and receiving process

- Supports rumen health when grazing crop residue

- Helps promote rumen health as bulls transition to higher energy diets during the development phase
How does Lactipro work?
With traditional feed transitions, naturally occurring Mega e in the rumen takes weeks to reach populations required to effectively handle grain-based diets. As animals transition to higher concentrate feed, fast-growing bacteria in the rumen may produce more lactic acid than can be utilized, leading to lactic acid build up.
- Increased lactic acid causes rumen pH to decrease and may result in many health issues, including damage to the rumen, acidosis, liver abscesses and laminitis.
Lactipro places a large number of Mega e into its native environment — the rumen — where it immediately begins consuming lactic acid, while also producing butyric acid.
- Butyric acid prompts epithelial cell growth and health and enables beef cattle to better absorb volatile fatty acids (VFAs).
Watch the video to learn more
Why does the strain of Mega e matter?
Scientists identified a superior strain of Mega e in cattle that is a prolific lactic acid utilizer. MS Biotec selected and patented this strain because of its ability to develop and maintain a healthy rumen environment and many other unique properties:
Grows rapidly in the rumen and has a short doubling time
One of the hardiest Mega e strains
Produces butyric acid
Resilient at a wide pH range
Compatible with ionophores and other feed additives
Demonstrates improvement in rumen fermentation in the presence of other bacterial direct-fed microbials and yeast additives
One proven product, two formulations
LactiproNXT is an easy-to-use drench that can be used for all beef cattle. LactiproNXT comes in two package sizes — 200 mL and 1,000 mL pouches. It is ideal for processing multiple head at one time.
LactiproFLX is a small individually sealed capsule packaged in a 25-capsule resealable pouch. It’s preferred for individual animals or small group administration.

Lactipro administration
Both LactiproFLX and LactiproNXT provide the same number of bacteria per head and are equally effective. Both product lines offer extended shelf life and require refrigerated storage.

LactiproFLX is a small, convenient capsule that contains the appropriate number of Mega e for the specific animal type. One capsule per head is all that is needed. LactiproFLX is available in three formulations:
- LactiproFLX Dairy – use for beef cows
- LactiproFLX Feedlot – use for feedlot cattle and developing bulls
- LactiproFLX Calf – use for young calves

Lactipro use cases specific to your beef operation
For questions, contact us here.