Your Best Shot at Strategic Trace Mineral Supplementation
Supports successful transitions

Supports a healthy immune system
A large pen study conducted in Texas evaluated dairy cows through heat stress. Research results1 indicated that strategic trace mineral supplementation with Multimin 90 supported the immune system. Results also indicated that trace mineral supplementation had a tendency to reduce metritis cases and stillbirths.

Quickly replenishes trace minerals in the cow after in utero transfer to the calf
Trace mineral levels of cows decrease by approximately 30% at freshening. University research results4 showed that Multimin 90 caused mineral levels to peak in the blood in 8–10 hours, with increases in liver levels within 24 hours post injection.
Supports udder health
The average case of clinical mastitis in the United States costs $569, including both direct costs, such as therapeutics or non-saleable milk, and indirect costs, such as future production or reproductive loss.5,6
University research results showed7 that trace mineral supplementation with a single injection of Multimin 90, when given to dairy cows with elevated somatic cell counts, reduced incidence of chronic clinical mastitis, particularly in first lactation cows. Additionally, in cows with three or more lactations, more subclinical infections tended to be cleared.
In another university study, research results showed3 a reduction in somatic cell counts, decreased clinical mastitis in multi-lactation cows, and decreased subclinical mastitis when cows were supplemented with zinc, copper, manganese and selenium by Multimin 90 injection at dry-off, 30 days pre-freshening, and 35 days in milk.
