Mulitimin 90 Beef Solutions

Prescribing Information
Safety Sheet
IMPORTANT SAFETY INFORMATION FOR MULTIMIN® 90: Not for use in humans, keep out of reach of children. Multimin 90 has a preslaughter withdrawal time of 14 days after injection. Do not use during the first trimester of pregnancy or in pre-ruminant calves as safety has not been established. Selenium and copper are toxic if administered in excess and may lead to sudden death, depression, weakness, ataxia, salivation, and drooling. Do not use concurrently with other selenium or copper injections or boluses. Maximum volume per injection site is 7 mL. Allow a minimum of 30 days before considering repeat dosing. See prescribing information.

Your Best Shot at Strategic Trace Mineral Supplementation

Supports cattle health and reproduction

Multimin® 90 (zinc, copper, manganese, and selenium injection) is a proven, one-of-a-kind solution to provide trace minerals known to support cattle health and reproduction. Research results indicate that strategic trace mineral supplementation gives cattle producers their best shot at successful breeding, healthy calving and improved immunity.
Mulitimin 90
Successful breeding
Improves trace mineral status1 in breeding stock for more calves in fewer days2
Mulitimin 90
Healthy calving
Third trimester supplementation of trace minerals supports cow-to-calf trace mineral transfer3 and colostrum quality when used with a scours vaccine4
Mulitimin 90
Enhances cattle vaccine protection5 and immune response when used as part of a vaccination protocol6

Now approved for use in certified organic beef operations!

Multimin 90 has received Organic Materials Review Institute (OMRI) certification. This certification allows Multimin 90 to be utilized by certified organic beef operations, further supporting organic producers with a non-antibiotic solution that supplements trace minerals known to support cattle health and reproduction. Learn more.

Why is trace mineral supplementation necessary?

Inadequate trace mineral status in cattle leads to suppressed immune function, lower fertility and decreased growth.7 For this reason, a strong oral nutrition program is a necessary management tool for all cattle producers. However, every oral mineral program comes with challenges:
  • Antagonists such as sulfur, iron, and molybdenum in water and/or feed can bind minerals in the rumen, limiting absorption
  • Variation in intake between cattle within the group
  • Stressful production events increase mineral demand and lower trace mineral status.3,8 Oral trace minerals cannot quickly meet these increased demands

How does Multimin 90 work?

Key production events, such as breeding, calving, vaccination and transportation, result in an increased demand for trace minerals. This demand creates the need for strategic supplementation prior to and during these events. Multimin 90 can be used to supplement four key trace minerals which are used for important biological processes, including physiological structure and function, immunity, and reproduction.

Multimin 90 is delivered by subcutaneous injection, reaching peak trace mineral levels in the blood within 8–10 hours post-injection. Within 24 hours, injectable trace minerals are transported via the bloodstream to the liver where they are stored and can be mobilized and released into the bloodstream as needed by the animal.

What are the benefits of strategic trace mineral supplementation with Multimin 90?

Highly absorbable source of four trace minerals
Trace minerals reach peak plasma levels within 8-10 hours after injection9
Increases liver levels within 24 hours9
Since it’s an injectable, trace minerals bypass antagonists that may be present in the rumen9,10
Supplements every animal injected

When should Multimin 90 be used?

Mulitimin 90
Cows and Heifers
  • Last trimester of pregnancy
  • 30 days pre-breeding or at CIDR insertion (11 days before AI)
Mulitimin 90
  • Weaning
  • 90 days post weaning
  • 45–60 days prior to breeding season
Mulitimin 90
Beef Calves (2 months of age or older)
  • Branding/first vaccination
  • Weaning/preconditioning
Mulitimin 90
  • At processing

How should Multimin 90 be used?

  • Consult your veterinarian. Always read and follow label directions. Do not overdose
  • Multimin 90 has a 14-day preslaughter withdrawal and 0-day milk withdrawal
  • Determine the weight of the animal and calculate the correct amount of product based on label directions
  • Maximum volume per injection site is 7 mL
  • Always follow Beef Quality Assurance guidelines ( to perform a proper tented technique for subcutaneous injections using the middle of the side of the neck
  • Minimum distance between injection sites is 4 inches. Inject Multimin 90 on the other side of the neck if multiple products are injected
  • Do not inject Multimin 90 behind the shoulder
  • Use clean needles and replace often. Do not inject cattle in wet weather or cattle with muddy/dirty skin. Injecting cattle during wet weather increases the potential for carrying a contaminant into the injection site

Multimin use cases specific to your beef operation


1Daugherty, S., et al. 2002. Texas A&M University publication. 39-43.
2Mundell, L.R., et. al. 2012. Prof. Anim. Sci. 28(1): 82-883.
3Hurlbert, J.L., et al. 2024. J. Anim. Sci. (120)1-20
4Palomares, R.A., et al. 2021. 102nd Conference of Research Workings in Animal Diseases. Chicago, IL. 433 Pp.
5Hoyo-Jaramillo, A. et al. 2022. Res Vet Sci. 152:582-595.
6Palomares, R.A., et al. 2016. Veterinary Immunology and Immunopathology. 178(1):88-98.
7Wikse, 1992. Texas A&M Beef Cattle Short Course.
8Palomares, R.A. 2022. Animals. 12, 2839
9Pogge, D.J., et al. 2012. J. Anim. Sci. 90:2692-2698.
10Hartman S. et al. 2018. J. Anim. Sci. 96(6): 2504-2515.
